Crabbies Family of Garden Centres

Our charities of the year…

28 February 2025

Each year our staff at each garden centre have the hard task of choosing our ‘charity of the year’. By choosing one charity per garden centre to focus on, it allows up to pour all of our time, effort and resources to making a big impact.

Throughout the year, each team works hard to come up with innovative ways to raise funds. Raffles, auctions, wishing trees and even rounders matches have been a few of the ways we have raised money so far!

Great North Air Ambulance

Both teams at Berwick and Plantsplus Garden Centre voted to make the Great North Air Ambulance for their chosen charity.

GNAA are an invaluable service to our area. They receive no government funding and rely solely on the generosity of the public.

We have lots planned this coming year, to hopefully raise a large amount of money.

To read more about GNAA, click here.

RNLI – Royal National Lifeboat Institution Dunbar Branch

Lifeboats have been launching from Dunbar for over 200 years now. The award-winning crew have saved countless lives during this time.

Due to Dunbar being situated right on the coast, this is an essential service to the area.

As you can image, launching and keeping lifeboats can be quite costly – we’re hoping to raise lots of money this year to help support this invaluable charity.

To read more about the RNLI and their work, click here.